It's time to Start living life exactly how you want it

hi my sensitive friend, 

  • You have been told you are "too sensitive" your whole life
  • You are a "high achiever" and your brain goes a mile a minute
  • You are terrified that you are going to drop the ball and it all is going to come tumbling down
  • People frequently tell you that they "don't know how you do it all"
  • You overthink everything and anxiety is your new bff
  • Something or some THINGS are happening right now that are making life extra tough
  • You often wonder what is wrong with you
  • You are neurodivergent (diagnosed or otherwise)
  • You just want to finally feel good enough and have some damn peace in your life

Does any of this sound familiar? 

You've already worked so hard. Let's make it easy ...

It's NOT too good to be true...

You will no longer feel confused about what is truly going on for you

you will understand how to approach your relationships with yourself and others in a way that is clear and manageable

You will understand why the things you have been trying haven't been working, and have a solid path forward to create strategies that do work

You will finally understand why you can't seem to make yourself do what you believe you "should" be doing, and you will understand what you need to do instead

On this call:

It starts with a free DISCOVERY CALL



Hi! My name is Amanda.

I am a Certified Life Coach and I know a few things about having a brain that doesn’t act like everybody else’s. 

 I spent years of my life and multiple thousands of dollars trying to “fix” what was “wrong with me”, until I realised that there actually was NOTHING wrong with me. When I started working WITH my brain, everything else in my life just fell into place. Not only did I feel way less stress & anxiety, I also began purposefully creating results that I WANTED in my life. Now I’ve helped hundreds of other women do the same.

Get to know me


We used it before the hipsters did.



Infinite battery life, no loading time, no data fees.



Wouldn't it be awesome if these were wearable?


One question can change your life.  That is the power of coaching.  I can't wait to show you how you have always been the one holding the keys for the vehicle that can transform your life. 


One of my favorite things about these calls is showing you how your life can improve with simple and doable shifts.  I can't wait to show you everything that is possible for you and your life (no matter what you have going on)


All you have to do is book the call and show up.  You don't need to prepare.  There isn't any homework.  I will take care of everything. We meet on Zoom for 45 minutes.

01. EASY

This call is going to be:


Working with Amanda helped me practice the tools I needed so that when something big happened, instead of being reactive, I was able to bring myself back to the moment and ask myself “what do I need and how do I want to show up right now? 

When something BIG happened, instead of being reactive, I was able to bring myself BACK to the moment


I have grown so much during our time together, and been through so may transitions that I don’t recognize my life any more – in a great way! I am so thankful for the work that Amanda does and the space she creates for me to be raw and completely honest, it is something special that does not exist anywhere else in my life.

I don’t recognize my life any more – in a GREAT way! 


Amanda was very good at challenging my thoughts and self judgment I have had probably my whole life. She was very direct and intuitive, but kind and gentle. Be ready to be real, because that’s how you will grow and shed unneeded energy that may be holding you back from fully being yourself. 

Amanda was very good at challenging my thoughts and self judgment I have had probably my WHOLE LIFE.

count me in →

give you the life you deserve to live!

Best friends are amazing.  But they are not amazing at transformation.  You need somebody to see you and hear you AND understand exactly where you want to go AND have a plan to get you there.

Better than a best friend

Books and podcasts feel good when you consume them, but you have to change things to change.  As a Certified Life Coach I am an expert in creating this in my clients.

books & podcasts are not enough

Change doesn't have to be painful.  Change can be powerful.  Change can be exciting!  Change can be fun!

You can't change anything if you don't change anything

It's time to try something new...

This call will do the heavy lifting so that you don't have to! All you have to do is show up and I will guide you through processing the sticking points in your life and learning the tools to deal with them in real life.


"There is NOTHING that is more VALUABLE than the money I have spent on coaching. It has been completely PRICELESS." 


"There is NOWHERE ELSE in my life that I can show up and be exactly who I am with ZERO filter."


"Allowing myself to FEEL... helped me get better at RELEASING it sooner."

- ryanne

"I have accomplished more with 2 months of coaching than I did in all my years of therapy"

Others have asked these six main questions:

frequently asked questions

Absolutely nothing.  I will take care of everything.  All you need is a phone or tablet or computer.  See you there!

Absolutely not! This is a call to help you create some new results in your life just from showing up. If coaching feels like it will be a good fit for both of us, we can talk about it. And if it doesn’t that’s totally ok.

Coaching and therapy are similar, in that you are going to be talking to me via zoom. In coaching, we still talk about what is going on in your life, we talk about your feelings and we talk about your thoughts and beliefs. I am a Trauma Aware coach and I am careful when there is any kind of triggering conversation. The main difference is that coaching is Results focused. When we are coaching, we are coaching towards a specific goal. Coaching is also focused in the present time, meaning that we don’t spend a lot of time going over what has happened in the past or processing past trauma. We are focused on creating the results you want in your life right now.

Discovery Sessions are a free call

You have read all the books, and you have listened to all of the podcasts...

Now it's time to really


$850 USD per month ($4,500 USD PIF)

discovery calls are always FREE

6 Month Coaching Program Investment:

– Ryanne

"I have accomplished more in 2 months of coaching than I did in all my years of therapy"